
Cuando sentimos que todo parece haber perdido sentido solo es cuestion de poner esta melodia en nuestros oidos,dejar que entre suavemente y se enrede en nuestra tristeza para llevarla lejos. Ese reloj que se escucha en el transcurso de la cancion es nuestro corazon que palpita.
Queda esta hermosa cancion de Serú Girán, con el gran Charly Garcia.

3:AM- Serú Girán
La fiebre de un sábado azuly un domingo sin tristezas.Esquivas a tu corazóny destrozas tu cabeza,y en tu voz, sólo un pálido adiosy el reloj en tu puño marcó las tres.El sueño de un sol y de un mary una vida peligrosacambiando lo amargo por miely la gris ciudad por rosaste hace bien, tanto como hace malte hace odiar, tanto como querer y más. Cambiaste de tiempo y de amory de música y de ideasCambiaste de sexo y de Dios de color y de fronteras pero en sí, nada más cambiarás y un sensual abandono vendrá y el fin.Y llevas el caño a tu sien apretando bien las muelas y cierras los ojos y ves todo el mar en primavera bang, bang, bang hojas muertas que caen,siempre igual,los que no pueden más se van.

0 Ande, Ande..Escriba algo:


Well I got a bad liver and broken heart, yeah,
I drunk me a river since you tore me apart
And I don't have a drinking problem, 'cept when I can't get a drink
And I wish you'd a-known her, we were quite a pair,
She was sharp as a razor and soft as a prayer
So welcome to the continuing saga, she was my better half, and I was just a dog
And so here am I slumped, I've been chipped and I've been chumped on my stool
So buy this fool some spirits and libations, it's these railroad station bars
And all these conductors and porters, and I'm all out of quarters
And this epitaph is the aftermath, yeah I choose my path, hey, come on, Kath,
He's a lawyer, he ain't the one for ya
No, the moon ain't romantic, it's intimidating as hell,
And some guy's trying to sell me a watch
And so I'll meet you at the bottom of a bottle of bargain Scotch
I got me a bottle and a dream, it's so maudlin it seems,
You can name your poison, go on ahead and make some noise
I ain't sentimental, this ain't a purchase, it's a rental, and it's purgatory,
And hey, what's your story, well I don't even care
'Cause I got my own double-cross to bear
And I'll see your Red Label, and I'll raise you one more,
And you can pour me a cab, I just can't drink no more,
'Cause it don't douse the flames that are started by dames,
It ain't like asbestos
It don't do nothing but rest us assured,
And substantiate the rumors that you've heard
Tom Waits