Una pequeña historia (Parte 3)

Parte de tu calzón se asomo para ofrecerme un poco de temperatura agradable en medio de este ambiente glacial, y pude visualizar restos de sangre en el...pareciera que llevaras una vida con ellos, pero en la necesidad que cargaba desde hace tiempo no podía ponerme exigente respecto a limpieza..así que clave mas la vista en ellos y vi o imagine, como tus piernas se abrían un poco y le ofrecían,después de tanto tiempo, un poco de dureza a mi entrepierna.
Levante la vista y me percate que sonreías ante mi incredulidad por verme descubierto, quise pararme y cambiar de lugar pero inexplicablemente te abalanzaste hacia mi con la fuerza de un tornado y con tu mano derecha cogiste mi miembro a punto de estallar- de pronto me vi envuelto en aquello que ansiosamente había buscado por tantos kilómetros- me llevaste a un sillón que apestaba a orines y por el que seguramente, habían pasado varios perdedores como yo, y arañaste mi espalda sin avisarme por lo que sentí un dolor seco en ella, pero en estos momentos no podía menospreciar este regalo.

Te trate con violencia porque al parecer, era lo que disfrutabas, baje mi mano con rapidez bajo tu falda y por fin pude tener en mi mano ese calzón que por un tiempo fue mi única compañía, lo saque y tuve la imperiosa necesidad de guardar su olor en mi, entonces como como un desesperado lo uní a mi olfato y entre un delicado olor a orín y una cicatriz de sangre este voló a un lugar apartado de nosotros.

Falta un poco...

Beth Orton-Don´t need a reason
Have you ever seen a sign,
That upon a time,There were angels,
We all lose track,Was upon our backs,
Feel the weight of them,Why they fall is hard tell,
But some things you can buy yourself, Yeah we all hurt the ones we love,
And we don't need a reason,We only give what we think we deserve,
And that's something to believe in.
I think I've seen a sign,But its a very fine line,
If you want it all,An' don't lose track,For on our back,
There's no weight of wings,When they shine is hard to say,
But some things never fade away,We only hurt the ones we love,
Why we don't need a reason,We only give what we think we deserve,
And that's something to believe in.
So I've been calling angels down to Earth,
An' I don't need a reason,Calling angels down to Earth,
Because I believe we need them,We only hurt the ones we love,
Why we don't need a reason,Gonna get all that you deserve,
And all that you believe in,
Do you believe in,
Do you need them,
If you need them,
Do you know,
Do you need them,
If you need them,
Do you know,
Do you need them,
If you need them.

0 Ande, Ande..Escriba algo:


Well I got a bad liver and broken heart, yeah,
I drunk me a river since you tore me apart
And I don't have a drinking problem, 'cept when I can't get a drink
And I wish you'd a-known her, we were quite a pair,
She was sharp as a razor and soft as a prayer
So welcome to the continuing saga, she was my better half, and I was just a dog
And so here am I slumped, I've been chipped and I've been chumped on my stool
So buy this fool some spirits and libations, it's these railroad station bars
And all these conductors and porters, and I'm all out of quarters
And this epitaph is the aftermath, yeah I choose my path, hey, come on, Kath,
He's a lawyer, he ain't the one for ya
No, the moon ain't romantic, it's intimidating as hell,
And some guy's trying to sell me a watch
And so I'll meet you at the bottom of a bottle of bargain Scotch
I got me a bottle and a dream, it's so maudlin it seems,
You can name your poison, go on ahead and make some noise
I ain't sentimental, this ain't a purchase, it's a rental, and it's purgatory,
And hey, what's your story, well I don't even care
'Cause I got my own double-cross to bear
And I'll see your Red Label, and I'll raise you one more,
And you can pour me a cab, I just can't drink no more,
'Cause it don't douse the flames that are started by dames,
It ain't like asbestos
It don't do nothing but rest us assured,
And substantiate the rumors that you've heard
Tom Waits